Number of properties tracked in Boise Metro
Number of SQ FT tracked in Boise Metro
property records and growing in Boise Metro
30 days
every 30 days property information is updated

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With Canyon Data, your due diligence, market comps, and more are centrally located in one subscription.
Canyon Data’s proprietary collection process provides stakeholders with a continuously-updated dataset for all commercial real estate. It is too time-consuming and ineffective for any one in the CRE industry to cull this information on their own. We’re here to help by providing all the information and data you need to make better, quicker, and smarter moves.
Commercial Real Estate Data for the Boise Idaho Metro Area
In 2023, we will expand into Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington,
and Salt Lake City, Utah metro areas.
Our teams are experts in their fields and a part of the community they serve. We care about the long-term viability of commercial real estate and strive to deliver accurate, actionable information. While other companies simply scrape their data, our proprietary process, utilizing robotics, A.I., and human collaboration includes steps no one else is taking: verifying data to overcome the 40-50% data inaccuracy problem. This ensures you have access to real, current data you can trust.
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